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  • x Converter LAN/RS232 Converter LAN/RS232 Converter LAN/RS232 Converter LAN/RS232

Converter LAN/RS232
Product index

The LAN/RS232 converter enables connection of two (or four, with the ELZAB 4-channel multiplexer) fiscal cash registers ELZAB with a computer over a local computer network. The converter allows also to connect a single device from other producers, fitted with the RS232 port. It requires configuration of transmission parameters in the serial transmission of the converter.
The device ensures galvanic separation of serial ports from the LAN network port.
It is supported through the file interface of the cash register ELZAB (for Windows, from version 8.50).
The converter may be installed on the wall.

The maximum distance between the converter and a hub / a switch is 100 m, and between the converter and the cash register 300 m (for 9600 b/s and 19200 b/s transmission). Use a standard UTP cable, with the RJ45 plug on both ends.

Dimensions of the device:
- width 106 mm
- depth 94 mm
- height 30 mm
Connection diagram for the converter LAN/RS232 and connection diagram for the converter LAN/RS232 with the ELZAB multiplexer (43 kB)