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  • x Saturn 2M + installation basket Saturn 2M + installation basket Saturn 2M + installation basket, electronic scale for mounting in the countertop Saturn 2M + installation basket

Saturn 2M + installation basket
Product index
WB70000010 - Saturn 2M

Characteristics of the device
The Saturn 2 scale integrated with the scanner combines the scale and barcode reader functions in one case. This improves comfort and speed of work of the clerk, because the weighing and scanning operation is done in the same place. Small dimensions and attractive price are the features of the device that makes up perfect equipment of the sale position in shops of any size. Free choice of the reader allows to adjust the final solution to the investment possibilities of the facility.
The enclosed basket, which should be put in the opening cut in the top, facilitates quick installation of the device and affects aesthetics. The design and installation method ensure work of the personnel in accordance with the requirements of ergonomics and do not restrict space for clerk’s legs (see the installation instruction in the “Download” tab).
The scale is fitted with a legible LCD display on a rotating pole with adjustable height and rotation angle, with the possibility of bending.

Intended use
The weighing scanner is intended for sale posts in trade facilities of various sizes. One of the most popular applications is integration in the cashdesk cubicle.

Compatibility with external devices The Saturn 2 scale can be used with various types of fiscal cash registers (ELZAB cash registers are recommended), POS terminals and other peripheral devices. The automatic transmission of the weighing result eliminates errors from manual entering and considerably speeds up customer support. The result of weighing may be sent by pressing a key on the scale display, in the cash register, in the POS terminal or automatically, after stabilisation of the pan, or on the continuous basis.

Guarantee of quality and continuity of deliveries
Saturn 2 is part of the CAT27 scale family, known for uniquely meticulous manufacture. All CAT 27 scale meet the requirements of metrological regulations in the scope of using the scale for direct settlement of trade operations, have the WE type approval certificates and are subject to certification according to EU regulations before admission for trading. The production process is done under supervision of ISO 9001 quality system procedures.

Features and advantages

  • saving space with installation of two devices in one compact case installed in the top of the cash register cubicle
  • the possibility of checking the mass of the products weighted in self-service places in the sale post
  • the stable measuring system, resistant to overloading
  • the legible display on the rotating pole with adjustable height
  • compatible with fiscal cash registers, POS terminals and external devices
  • resistance to difficult operating conditions (rustproof structural elements)
  • taring throughout the weighing range
  • the possibility of adjusting of a broad range of scanners from various producers

Method of installationfor integration
Maximum load6 / 15 kg
Minimum load40 g
Accuracy2 g (0–6 kg range)
5 g (6–15 kg range)
Display1 x LCD (option: an additional external display)
Dimensions of scale292 (W) x 292 (L) x 121 (H) mm
Dimensions of pan292 (W) x 292 (L) mm
Mass4.7 kg
Guarantee24 months

User Manual ELZAB CAT27 Scales Series (1,57 MB)
Scales family CAT 27 (1 MB)
Declaration of Conformity CAT27 2024-01 (629 kB)
Saturn scale photos (5.99 MB)
Saturn 2 weighing scanner dimension drawing (CAT27/S3/15/292x292) (69.3 kB)
Saturn 2 weighing scanner basket dimension drawing (93.2 kB)
Dimensional drawing of the post of the CAT 27 scale (2 MB)