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  • x Kolektor CE Kolektor CE Kolektor CE, software Kolektor CE

Kolektor CE
A solution guaranteeing true mobility to logistic operations
A terminal with Windows Embedded system and colour touch screen gives way to numerous new options, unavailable to font collector users. Its higher computing power enables operation on larger PLU’s, while higher and higher definition of the displays enables transmission of more information. The wireless communication commonly available in these terminals provides potential for building a perfect tool to support work in a warehouse or retail space.

The terminals with Kolektor CE exchange data with the warehouse system through the terminal server, a program installed on the computer. The server provides the terminals with any number of PLU’s, documents to be completed and contracting parties base and it provides the warehouse system with the documents created by the terminals. For warehouse systems in which the terminal server connects with the base through the customer account, it may operate in the background, which enables its work without the user’s operation and the “direct” communication between the terminals and the warehouse system.

Warehouse program – data – terminal server - data

Kolektor CE terminal cooperates with the server off-line, connecting with it for data exchange purposes only. The communication between the terminals and the servers may be via cable or wireless, in both cases the socket connection is used (server IP: port).
The standard version of Kolektor CE cooperates with the following systems:
  • Comarch ERP Optima (Comarch)
  • Hermes SQL Win (Humansoft)
  • HermesNG (Syriusz)
  • KC-Firma (Kucharscy)
  • KS-Apteka Windows (Kamsoft)
  • miniMAG (B2B Soft)
  • Navireo (InsERT)
  • Nexo Pro (InsERT)
  • PC-Market Win (Insoft)
  • Quattro (Syriusz)
  • R2fakturyPRO (RESET2)
  • Raks SQL (RAKS)
  • Small Business (Symplex)
  • Subiekt GT Sfera (InsERT)
  • Subiekt5 (InsERT)
  • WF-Mag Win (WAPRO)
We recommend to the users of programs not listed above to prepare them in cooperation with the manufacturer of warehouse software supplier.
The licence for Kolektor CE is related to a unique 10-digit serial number, read from the terminal by the application installed on it. It means that the licence covers the terminal named by means of SN. The computer part of the application (e.g. cash register server) may be installed on any computer with Windows desktop system (from Vista and up), owned by the licence user. Any resale of the licence must be done together with selling the terminal.

In case of warehouse systems, such as SubiektGT and Comarch ERP Optima, the cash register server connects with their PLU’s by means of the customer account. Therefore the terminal server uses one customer licence for the cash register module, which may mean the necessity for additional purchase of the licence, if it was previously used by any of the users.

To order the licence for Kolektor CE e-mail your order and include the terminal’s 10-digit serial number mentioned above. In reply you will receive the code activating the complete functionality on the terminal.
The licence holder is entitled to free upgrading of the software to its newer version.