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  • x SOGA XS - SOGA software version dedicated for small food serving facilities SOGA XS - SOGA software version dedicated for small food serving facilities SOGA XS software version dedicated for small food serving facilities SOGA XS - SOGA software version dedicated for small food serving facilities

SOGA XS - SOGA software version dedicated for small food serving facilities
Product index

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Commercial information: +48 32 37 06 364
Technical information: +48 32 37 06 219

Cooperation with SOHO YES NO
Cooperation with other hotel systems YES NO
Stock Operation YES NO
Order app operation YES NO
Scales operation YES NO
Operation in a network/online YES NO
Manager preview YES NO
Export to accounting software YES NO
Own settings YES NO
Combined sets YES NO
No. of restaurant rooms unlimited 1
No. of tables unlimited 10
Updating cost 10% 30%
Updating cost after 12 months 30% 75%
Sale mode LIC LIC

SOGA demo (33,8 MB)