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  • x SOGA – software for restaurants SOGA – software for restaurants SOGA software for restaurants SOGA – software for restaurants

SOGA – software for restaurants
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In addition to the basic functions, such as:

  • bill management,
  • order management and issuing receipts and invoices

the system enables exact monitoring of sales and detailed clearing of waiters.

The clear and very legible software layout makes it unusually fast to learn by the employees – also those less accustomed to computers. Thanks to the really clear structure of the software, the system administrator may configure it in any way, reflecting the actual layout of tables or building a convenient menu.

A separate module contained in the package for restaurants is the stock module that supplements the functioning of the entire system with the option of detailed clearing of the stock levels and value, building formulas and recording documents from suppliers.

The option of cooperation with the hotel software should also be noted, as it significantly increases the potential of the software use.

The most important functions of the system:

  • simultaneous operation of multiple bills
  • graphic presentation of table layout
  • several bills on one table
  • transfer of bills to another table
  • linking and splitting of bills
  • taking over bills
  • system of comments to products
  • printing orders on order printers (e.g. in the kitchen or in the bar)
  • order prioritizing option
  • discounts for specific items and on whole bills
  • pre-printing trial bills
  • any number of restaurant rooms
  • any number of waiters
  • operation of one or more points in a network
  • defining groups for products
  • report generation
  • cooperation with hotel software
  • cooperation with fiscal devices
  • VAT invoicing (also in EURO)
  • printing invoices on ordinary or order printer
  • granting various authorisations to the users
  • automatic data archiving
SOGA demo (33,8 MB)