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  • x PC-Market 7 shop management program PC-Market 7 shop management program PC-Market 7 shop management program PC-Market 7 shop management program

PC-Market 7 shop management program
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PC-Market 7 for Windows is a program dedicated to manage a shop, supermarket, wholesale shop and a chain of stores. The program is clear and easily operable, it can intuitively manage the PLU and list of customers. It has a very rich module of analyses and reports. It cooperates with most of the cash registers available on the market, fiscal printers and all types of equipment that can be encountered in the shops (labelling scales, price verifiers, data collectors, printers). Combined with the central module, „Konsola Kupca” [Merchant’s Console], it enables efficient management of a chain of stores. Among over 3 thousand PC-Market users there are single retail facilities, small chains of shops remotely operated from the headquarters and larger chains of independent stores with central management by means of the Merchant’s Console. PC-Market 7 is a combination of state-of-the-art technology and more than a dozen years of experience and ongoing product improvement, according to the shop owners’ needs.

Thanks to PC-Market 7 you will:

  • promptly find the unsaleable products and the best-sellers,
  • track the exact commodity history, from entering to the warehouse to selling the last item,
  • check the level of clearing accounts with the customers, the number of your overdue invoices, the amount of money not yet received...
  • view how much the shop has „earned”; the program will provide you with the margin amount gained by the shop today (or in the past) on the commodities sold
  • check the cash level, find out how much money should be in the store manager’s cashbox at any time ...
  • save on fast stocktaking; thanks to the cooperation with portable terminals the stocktaking time shall be reduced, you may use the terminals to enter deliveries ...
  • print the shelf labels fast, design a label for your shop yourself (the program will print them automatically for new commodity deliveries)
  • label your commodities fast, thanks to the cooperation with barcode printers, printing 100 labels for commodities is a matter of a few seconds...
  • you may save time on entering delivery documents, if your supplier sends them on a diskette or online.

PC-Market 7 is a combination of state-of-the-art computer technologies with 0-year tradition of the PC-Market software. The customer/server type based on the SQL technology:

  • stability of operation and data security,
  • possibility to work on several POS’s without losses to the service fluency,
  • option to select the type of server for one’s own individual needs (and budget).


PC-POS – a program for retail sales on POS-type cash registers and on fiscal printers.
Label printers – printing labels for commodities and shelves with barcodes and/or prices or commodity names – module for programming electronic scales
Stock-taker – a module enabling the connection of portable POS’s with the warehouse PC and data transfer directly to any PC-Market document. Most often used to make stock-taking more efficient.
Automatic data exchange – the module enables exchange of documents between the shops and the headquarters (or wholesalers) on diskettes or through the modem.
It enables rolling in whole invoices and evidence of transfer from the diskette, eliminating the necessity for manual rewriting them (the module included in the standard version of PC-Market7)
Price Checker - program for checking commodity prices

On-line cash server:
The cash server is an additional program that may independently serve the cash-registers, scales and price checkers, while working in the background, without the user’s participation. If it detects any change on any commodity – it will automatically export such change to the cash-registers (scales and price checkers).
The server is also used for period data import from the cash-registers. Upon setting the frequency (e.g. every 10 minutes) – the program will automatically carry out the imports. The cash server may also be used off-line – then we may benefit from an additional functionality of the program.

Here is the complete list of options that may be obtained thanks to the Cash Server:

  • Programming the cash-registers and receiving sales data on-line. The user may define the frequency of communication with the cash-registers (e.g. imports every 15 minutes, exports every 30 seconds).
  • Serving cash-registers physically connected to several desktop PC’s. The available COM ports of all the PC’s in the network may be used. The user pays no attention to which PC the cash-register is connected to. Such layout requires enabling a backup copy of the Cash Server on each PC. Each server will serve the devices connected to “its own” PC only.
  • Komunikacja z dowolnego stanowiska komputerowego. Transmisję na kasy (lub import) można uruchomić z dowolnego stanowiska komputerowego.
  • Serving the "background” communication – e.g. export may be ordered and we may issue another PZ.
  • Serving several telephone lines to communicate with multiple cash-registers via the modem.
PC Market 7 demo