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  • x Mini-Market program for chain shops Mini-Market program for chain shops Mini-Market program for chain shops Mini-Market program for chain shops

Mini-Market program for chain shops
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Mini-Market is software to run stores managed from chain headquarters. In this solution Mini-Market is a system terminal operating on its own local database and exchanging data with the headquarters online.
All the personnel operations on the shops are oriented on sales and customer service, while other activities are minimised and automated.

Mini-Market may be adapted to the needs of any sector thanks to the extensive configuration options of the cashier operation panel. The panel may be configured both for touch-screens and ordinary keyboards. The products may be described and given parameters in any way, through allocation to the product range tree, sizes, colours, etc. Each product may also have a photo attributed to it and displayed on the panels or in the information about the commodity.


Mini-Market assures time saving on uploading delivery documents in the shops – thanks to uploading deliveries in the headquarters and confirming the correctness of deliveries in the shop by means of the collectors (data are not rewritten).

Mini-Market enables the shop personnel to check the commodity level in other points of the chain and order it for the customer.

Mini-Market serves the selling of complete sets and while selling single commodity items, the program shall prompt the cashier which items form parts of complete sets.

Mini-Market operates the loyalty systems – both those based on scores and discounts. The rules are set centrally and the card reading automatically considers the discount rules applied on the transactions. The loyalty system helps configure the customised offer for the customer.

Mini-Market operates typical store equipment, including without limitation: fiscal printers, receipt printers, labelling scales, POS scales, price checkers, customer counters, data collectors, label printers.

Mini-Market reports on an ongoing basis with the headquarters the turnover the shops had and the margin they gained on the commodities sold, how much money should be in the cashboxes in each shop.

Mini-Market – enables viewing the stock levels, on an ongoing basis, in real time – both in the shop and in the Headquarters – so an additional delivery or transfer of commodities between the shops can be decided upon instantly.

Mini-Market operates multi-language versions – it enables introduction of a uniform system for the entire chain of stores, whatever the country of location.

Konsola Kupca [Merchant’s Console] 2 and Mini-Market – is a solution for a chain of stores with their own or closely franchised stores.
The chain headquarters hold a strict supervision over the work of each shop, they manage the product range and prices, carry out analyses and makes decisions on supplies.